EDUC 5163 is Assistive Technology for Literacy Access, a grad course in the MEd program at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Salman Khan talks about his free, online Khan Academy. I'm sure that there's a connection to assistive technology, but mostly I just wanted to post a TED lecture and this was the first one I found that looked related.
But seriously, folks. Imagine that you explain a concept on the blackboard to your students. You really don't want to think about what percentage of what you are saying and writing lodges permanently in those brains out there. Now imagine that your presentation has been recorded; each student has access to the video. They can pause you, think about what you just said, practise the examples, repeat you, repeat the difficult parts of you several times; they can watch for the first time the parts they missed when a bird flew by the window, their classmate passed them a note and they were busy noticing that your glasses were crooked.
Cool. But who is going to make all those videos--with what equipment? And who wants to be a permanent video star? Especially those of us who only wear make-up to school if we (I) happen to hit enough red lights on the way to work.
Well, Khan Academy has apparently made all those videos for you. It's new to me, but it looks to be worth checking out.