The one about fog. See first entry.
In my classroom, I have two electrical outlets. No computers. One LCD projector suspended from the wall, connected to nothing. If it were connected to anything, it would have nothing on which to shine.
Also in my classroom: a diverse group of students, almost all achieving below grade level, with a wide range of behaviourial, social, attention and learning difficulties.
Behind the fog: watching the presentation that Barb showed us, seeing and hearing the variety of available assistive technologies, I can see vast possibilities for my students. As each example was introduced, I flashed to a student who could be matched beneficially with that technology. And wondered if that connection would ever be made. I wonder again why we have invited into our classrooms children who would not have even attended school decades ago, if we are not willing to provide appropriate hospitality.
Also behind the fog: notebooks are apparently "rolling" my way in October. Hoping for greater visibility. And a screen for my projector.